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Why choose HAZRAD?

Direct customer relationships with clients while delivering environmental, financial and social benefits to local communities

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24-hour qualified emergency response


HazRad Australia is on-call with an unrivalled reputation in emergency response.

When you engage HazRad to assist within live or hazardous environments, you get the highest levels of:

  • operation

  • safety

  • quality

  • compliance.


Our qualified team operates under an external certified Integrated Management System.

We meet the requirements of key Australian standards for Quality, Environment and Occupational Health Safety, helping you reduce your risk profile.

First Nations perspectives in HAZMAT response

While giving business and government the best in HAZMAT response, our services help to close the gap between First Nations and non-First Nations peoples.

By engaging HazRad Australia you will directly create jobs for First Nations people.

Emergency spill clean up. Diesel spill freeway

Hiring us for emergency response allows us to finance training and employment for First Nations trainees, staff and contractors.

This brings First Nations knowledge into the core of our business. We incorporate traditional methods into HAZMAT and emergency response services, rehabilitating land and waters to serve future generations.

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